Local Resources & More.

I created this resource page to help you navigate through your motherhood journey with all the options and services you may need. You are not alone, your options are always open and you deserve the motherhood experience that you seek.

*These are not sponsored, just a good list I put together of all the local resources that you may need.

When I was pregnant for the first time with my Sunshine boy, I didn’t know much about all the options that were available to me. I received a not-so-great care from a doctor and was frustrated at the lack of positive and empowering prenatal care. I decided to abandon the MD and searched for other options. I discovered that I had to do a lot of searching to find local services. Therefore, I decided to create a resource page that I wish I had back then! So that you don’t have to search and build up anxiety. Here you can simply glance over a list and click right through to your options. I really hope this page helps you navigate through your motherhood journey with more calm & ease.

Peace & Love