
Supporting a mindful, minimalistic, and slow living approach. Guiding you in the positive direction in all stages of motherhood.

  • Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful experiences one could be part of but It’s also a time of many changes - to create, grow, and give birth to another life, which may have its ups and downs. It’s important to stay mindful, connected, and positive for your well being.

    I are here to guide you in that positive direction, to remind you the beauty of the process, and make you feel empowered on your pregnancy journey.

    Some of the topics that may be covered based on your specific needs may include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Mindfulness practices to ease anxiety and boost positive emotions

    • Techniques to slow down and practice more self care

    • Supporting a minimalistic lifestyle: helping you sort through the overwhelming amount of “baby stuff”

    • Supporting your birthing choices and birthing plans

    • Providing resources and guiding you in the right direction to have the birthing experience you seek

    • Helping you create a natural living approach, eco-friendly lifestyle and a non-toxic home